A client recently asked us, “Should I update my logo, even if no one has complained about it?” In short, YES! If you feel that your logo needs to be updated then let’s do it. Maybe your colors can be brightened or font modernized. A small tweak may make a big difference. Not all logo updates need to be a complete re-design, you might just “spring clean it”.
Updating your logo is a self-reflection and decision to polish up a bit. This doesn’t change the excellent service they receive, in fact it should serve as a reminder of your excellent service. Ideally your clients will feel inclined to forward along your updated marketing collateral or web link; that is your new logo expanding your reach.
Think of Coca-cola; one of the world’s most recognizable logos has seen several iterations through the years. So many that they’ve actually documented its development over the years. You can read about it here.
Take a look at your current logo and forget all that you know about your brand. Clear your mind, blink twice then look at your logo with fresh eyes. Even if you designed this logo yourself and you absolutely love it, you can’t think, “gosh, I love my logo.” Think from the perspective of someone who knows nothing about your business. As a new consumer, can you see what your company offers? What elements can make it more clear?
When you redesign, Send out an e-blast and social media campaign to announce your new logo. Make a big deal about it because it is a big deal. Your logo is the symbol of your organization. It should be able to stand alone and proudly represent what you stand for. Imagine the City Commissioner shining your logo into the night sky, calling for your service. Is your current logo what you want the world to see? If, yes then wonderful! If not then it’s time for a change.